COI (economic burden)
Cost-of-illness (COI) studies presented in VIEW-hub estimate the cost of pneumonia and gastro-enteritis – both potentially vaccine-preventable diseases, and their impact on the affected households and society as a whole. They were selected from a wide and in-depth systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature conducted at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health as they present cost estimates derived from primary data collection. These “real-world” estimates account for constraints both healthcare facilities (public and private) and caregivers face when providing or seeking care. Such constraints include supply stock-outs and labor force shortages (supply-side) or socioeconomic status and reduced capacity to pay (demand-side).
VIEW-hub presents ranges of the costs estimated by each paper corrected to 2018 US dollars, alongside key characteristics that can explain differences in costs within the study and across studies. Users may compare costs and use them for high-level modeling, accounting for those cost characteristics.
Immunization program costing
Immunization program costing for both routine immunization and supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) are divided into 2 main components: vaccine cost and immunization delivery cost. Vaccine cost includes the costs to procure vaccine, costs of injection supplies and freight per dose. While the immunization delivery cost are non-vaccine costs to deliver immunizations to target population which include personnel, storage and cold chain equipment, transportation, capital, and other recurrent cost.
VIEW-hub presents the data availability and sources for each component of the costing pieces for each country, as well as the country-specific vaccination schedule. The two major data sources for immunization delivery cost for routine immunization are 1. country-specific comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYPs) with baseline years ranging from 2004 to 2017 and 2. the Immunization Delivery Cost Catalogue (IDCC) with baseline years ranging from 2001 to 2017. Users may find details related to different perspectives of how different data sources were derived, whether it is from government, societal, provider or external donor perspective.